Monday, May 7, 2018

April 2018 departures

We did not go to the March departure dinner, so a shout out to Sister Yancey and Elder Omdahl who were great missionaries.  We did make go to the April departure dinner. Such wonderful missionaries who will be greatly missed.

Sisters Adams, Noyes, Haskett, and Lattaro

Elder Stolk - love this young man

Elder and Sister Vogel, President and Sister Johnson,
Elder Jarrard and Sister Karren

We will miss this couple so much!  We tried and made a 
pretty good dent eating our way through Maryland together.
Their assignment was to find and set up community service
opportunities for missionaries. They were here a year and
left with thirty service venues set up that will hopefully
get missionaries out of "ward labor pools". We love
Sister Karren and Elder Jarrad.

I can't say enough about Elder and Sister Miles.
They deserve their own page. They were MLS and
Housing Coordinators. They served two years and
in that time opened almost 70 new apartments, closed
around 35. That meant a mountain of moving, cleaning,
and moving, and cleaning. They were the hardest working
people and we loved them. They were funny, diligent,
obedient, and just the best people you would ever meet.